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Coach4life Sweden
Neurology & Personal Development Mentor
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Founder of Coach4life Sweden:
Power Play of Love Series
"Free To Be Show" by Cordelia Gaffar
My part in the episode on Youtube below is about Being Single and Being a Stand for Love on the "Free To Be Show" with an all European men's panel from Tuesday, February 15th 2022.
I share my thoughts as a coach, but most of all a loving human being on how to create that safe space to keep on evolving and become Love to the fullest. Our needs need to be met for us to be fulfilled. A love relationship if it is done right will give so much energy to our life in whole.
This episode of "Free To Be Show" dives deeply into how being single can be the embodiment for being a stand for love. You can also watch the ladies panel from February 8th 2022 on Cordelia Gaffar Youtube channel.
Are you feeling stuck in your everyday life and / or career?
Is the motivation high but you are starting to run out of energy?
Do you experience an imbalance between career and private life, and a general frustration over YOUR situation?
Do not let life stop you but take advantage of what you have deep down!
As your coach, I can contribute to YOUR re-ignition and new energy.
Through coaching conversations, I will help you transform your inner potential
- into a force forward in your life and your professional career!
Your journey to your future self...
Begins now!

Lifeforce Concept© - Success Without Stress!
My unique life force concept takes your quality of life to the next level and in return that releases energy.
You can use the energy you release to get from where you are today to where you want to reach!
Why waste energy on negativity around you which are not beneficial to you,
when you can use your resources to create success?
CLICK BELOW on "LIFE FORCE CONCEPT © and you are on your way towards a more fulfilling life according to your own wants and needs!
A Guidance Call is always included!
Download your free audiobook below!
by Patric Svanberg (in Swedish)
(at the same time, you subscribe to my newsletter, which you can end at any time.)
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Feel free to fill out the form and give me your thoughts about my website and what I have to offer!
As a thank you, you get 20% on your first treatment / coaching with me!
(Write the code: "20% form" in the message field together with your thoughts.)
Grateful regards!
// Patric
Why coaching?
Sometimes many of us feel stuck in life. Our motivation might be low, we may run out of ideas, feel indecisive and generally frustrated about our situation. A coach, as a conversation partner, can contribute to new ignition and boosted energy.
Click below for more information about my coaching.
From Coach4life Sweden
Client References - Life Coaching

My mindset changed completely by having Patric as my personal life coach!
Patric is a professional, and in an incredibly nice way! He responds and makes me think about what I want and should invest in life.
I recommend everyone who is at a crossroads between choices in life to contact Patric for guidance! In working life, personal development, life situations etc.
I will definitely continue my contact with him!
Highly recommend him!
// Ulrica Henrietta Svedberg

I want to recommend You, who is in need of great advice and in need of someone to help shift your life, to contact Patric!
I got in touch with Patric in January 2020 and we had our first conversation in early March. I have since received support / coaching and good advice from Patric!
I have also through Patric met other genuine people when we sat in a group chat and exchanged experiences or "just had a web coffee", had fun and got into interesting topics to discuss and laugh at ~ "a good laugh prolongs life!"
I feel a strong confidence in Patric as a life coach, he is a good and calm listener who gives good advice and ideas on how you can feel better and move on when you are stuck in something you think was hard in life ~ "where we all end up sometime".
I am so happy that Patric became the one I chose as my life coach and will definitely continue to have a continuous contact with him!
// Titti Östlund🌹
Client references - Lifeforce Concept

After some years of childcare without excercise Patric helped me with a great kickstart with both diet and stress management!
As I did not want to go to the local gym due to our prevailing pandemic, Patric adapted the training to individual training sessions both indoors and outdoors, which suited me perfectly.
The functional training with Calisthenics and Animal flow has been particularly good. I can highly recommend Patric as your personal health coach! Both online and in real life sessions!
// Markus Vuopio

You should have trust for your hired personal life coach!
That was not difficult at all when I met Patric!
I quickly saw that he is a genuine person with commitment and care for his client. He also has the right pondus that allows him to make the right demands on one.!
His ability to be empathetic and to be curious even about his own continued development means that he is a life coach who can approach you in a genuine and nice way.
In addition, he is very knowledgeable in his various fields regarding health and well-being and the human body.
I highly recommend Patric when you want to make a sustainable lifestyle change!"
// Angela Askell (Mod Att Leva)

LIFEFORCE Concept - Success Without Stress
My unique vitality concept takes your quality of life to the next level!
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at Coach4life Sweden
I offer everyone who sends a pre-request for my services a free audiobook on personal development.
By submitting this form, you agree that I will contact you and at the same time you subscribe to my newsletter with important insights and keys for your personal development.
You do not commit to any purchase!